Tuesday 20 April 2010

All Is Well

I woke up today, after 16 hours of sleep. Well, mostly sleep. There must have been about twenty occasions where I woke up and had to painfully position my foot as I rolled over. But I don't mind. at 7pm when I woke up, the pain had mostly gone, and I was able to limp around merrily chair-crutch free. I mainly just say around and ate remains of last nights pasta from the pan by my bed, but I feel much better. I can even move my toes.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) I'll tidy my room and maybe even take down a couple of pieces of work I need to do. Certainly I feel much better, I may even limp down to the gym and do some upper body stuff, even though I've had to take ibuprofen which is poison when you're developing muscle, but my ankle being the size of a tennis ball, I had to do it.

Thursday will be busy. I'm meeting some class peoples for some food and then heading to the class, maybe slot in the gym in between end of class and Alpine (a bar). That should go well; Alpine. I don't fancy dancing in this state, plus in the extremely unlikely event a woman wants me to penetrate her my right foot still won't bend very well.

Ah well, I can dream.

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