Tuesday 13 April 2010


I feel awful, this maybe because I've been on a 30 hour drinking session and have eaten 4 burgers and a mini-pizza in 2 days. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's a main cause of why I feel so bad. I don't usually drink to such excess, but there was a pool award thing and I had to go.

Long story short, I'm alone in my room shaking like mad with my heartbeat doing at least 120bpm. It's grim. In the morning (3pm) I'll feel better, but for now I feel absolutely terrible. It's also good that I spent the night chasing phantom friends around and having no idea where people are.

Ah well, I've gone emo for once, in the morning I'll facepalm at what a douché I've been writing this garbled stuff. In fact I'm surprised there wasn't a poem about my throbbing heart (no pun intended, although chest pains have started) or how I'm a sheep who's lost its flock or some crap.

Hopefully I'll go to the gym tomorrow, that's always a pick-me-up. It's also a brilliant reason to justify paying that £21 a month to the gym. I'm not donating it, give me some services, mother-lockers. Mother-lockers? Oh god, that was awful, I'm so ashamed I wrote it I'm not going to remove it as a prime example of how unfunny I can be.


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