Friday 16 April 2010

War (and religion)

Everything is a constant battle. It's a fact. Well, it isn't a fact, but it should be, because it's true. Think about it, your relationships with your friends are a constant battle, if you withdraw, your relationship can fade. Same logic applies to weight, if I stop excercising for 2 weeks I go tubby mode again, and I don't like tubby mode, nobody likes tubby mode. Tubby mode is the guy at a party who goes around telling people he's drunk and that he's met them before. Not me, the mode. I don't do that, I have some semblance of control and awareness when I'm drunk.

Anyway, back to the title. War. People might disagree, but I think it makes sense, that to do anything, there's a constant battle: money, love (in the sense of relationships, not that hippy crap), health, hygeine, etc. Even your fingernails. Hell, if there was a God, and people argued God wanted peace, I'd be throwing this arguement out faster than they could say "bless you". Imagine that, your fingernails grow, don't cut them, give up, end up in the Guinness World Book of Records and have fun masturbating. I don't think less of people who believe in religion, in fact, I'm a little jealous that they are happy believing that a higher power will always be there for them. The only higher power here for me is electricity, that stuff is cool, lightning bolts too - only if you blow up a power converter or similar, but still...lightning.

Not that I'm complaining, I'm not unhappy knowing there is nothing out there, I'm just saying it must be nice for people to believe in God...and for children to still believe in Father Coca-Cola Christmas.

I did get wondering what happened to the Greek gods, and why nobody believes in them anymore. The Greeks were a highly civilised race, and so there must have been some sort of logic and reason for the worship, at least on par with "the burning bush told me to do it".

I like the challenge of a constant battle though, there's a bit in Rudyard Kipling's If which reads;

'If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

Which pretty much sums up my attitude on the whole thing. Always fight.
And that's my blog about religion... I mean conflict. Whatever.


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