Friday 13 August 2010

Poker Diary - Day 4

Balance: $50
Ashworths wins: 8
Ashworths losses: 2
Ashworths folds: 2

I’m stuck breaking even, with my time ticking. I’m making the occasional poor call surrounded by decent play, and it’s giving me evens. Until I’m taken down by KT against my weak A5suited shortstacked, now it might be a bit choppy. Especially as my first Ashworths loss hits in, the guy has pocket Kings, I can’t fight that even after hitting a pair on the flop.
Coren is like therapy; she’s having a terrible time. It’s like being shot in the leg and somebody telling you about how they’ve been shot three times in both legs.
As I set up the laptop in the kitchen so I can cook tea and play poker, I finally win a single $10 tournament and go above $30 for the first time - $39 to be precise.
I enter another tournament and start cooking my Bacon and Mushoom Carbonara, suits me, I like being distracted – not too distracted, but distracted. Only a $5 tournament as I want to stay above $30. Tea is delicious, I’ve made a “good’un” and defeat in the next $5 after winning the one during tea does not damage my happiness. $38, tomorrow I go for $80, today I’m going to train in mixed martial arts: I have my priorities set, they just revolve around cagefighting and poker – uncharacteristically manly.
On a side note, I was chopping garlic and a decent-ish hand (A9) came up and I ended up having to move the touchpad mouse with my nose to raise and steal the blind. Who says men can’t multitask?

Well I did my MMA and loved it, my right shin is fucked and my eye and right temple are a bit red but in a masochistic way, the pain proves I’ve worked hard, and I savour it. After a bath where I grab my computer speakers, an extension cord, and an ipod; thus creating the best bath experience I’ve ever had, I get dried, dressed and open up PokerStars, win my first tournament while I eat some of the reheated meal I made earlier, it’s tasty. Two more tournaments; $10 each, I’m feeling lucky. I am not so lucky, I lose one, A6suited versus JK. He hits a straight. Ah well, I win the other tournament. Evens.

Another two tournaments; immediately knocked out with JJ against AA, down to one, fighting for evens. Evens is attained, I enter one. If I lose, I lose, if I win, I win. There is no evens, I prefer these stakes. There are three short stacks and one more to lose before I win, I sit patiently, and read Vicky Coren. End up winning, it’s 4am already, and tomorrow, I will try to qualify for the UKIPT – UK & Ireland Poker Tour, or qualify for the game to qualify. You get the gist.

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